<tlbhelp><tlbSettingsGeneral><profiles title="Profiles button">Shows the menu with created profiles. Also you can manage your profiles. <b>Profiles</b> can be used to share True Launch Bar settings over many toolbar.</profiles><language title="Language">Specifies the True Launch Bar interface language.</language><password title="Settings password">Specifies the password to protect the settings from unauthorized changes. This password will be asked when you try to open TLB Settings.
<b>Note:</b> You must enter the same password in both text boxes.</password><backup title="Backup toolbar">Shows the <b>Backup Toolbar Wizard</b>. You can save all settings and buttons using this wizard, and restore toolbar on other computer.</backup><restore title="Restore toolbar">Shows the <b>Restore Toolbar Wizard</b>. You can resotore all settings and buttons from the earlier created backup file.<br>
<b>Warning:</b> By resoring toolbar from the backup file, all current settings and buttons will be replaced. You can lose some changes.</restore><liveupdate title="Check for updates">Runs the TLB Components Manager utility to check updates for True Launch Bar and all TLB components.</liveupdate><lock title="Lock buttons">Disables the buttons movement (drag&drop).</lock><lockctx title="Allow locking from context menu">Shows "Lock Buttons" menu item in the True Launch Bar context menu. So you can quickly lock/unlock buttons.</lockctx><locksingle title="Allow locking for single folder">Allows to lock buttons independently for each menu or toolbar. Some menus canbe locked other stay unlocked.</locksingle><askpassword title="Ask settings password">Asks the True Launch Bar settings password when you try to lock/unlock buttons via the context menu.</askpassword><bgload title="Use background load for Virtual Folders">Prevents the blocking True Launch Bar during the loading menu content. You'll see the '<i>Loading items...</i>' text until the menus are filled completely. If you are using a very large virtual folder, turn this option on ΓÇô this allows to prevent the long blocking.
<b>Note:</b> This option takes effect for the Virtual Folders only.</bgload><changetype title="Do not change file type at rename">Hides the file type (extension) when you rename the files.</changetype><expandshortcut title="Expand shortcuts to folders">Displays shortcuts to the folders as menus.
<b>Note:</b> This option takes effect for the Virtual Folders only.</expandshortcut><enableaccel title="Enable accelerators">Enables the keyboard accelerators. To create an accelerator, rename the item by adding the '<b>&</b>' character before the letter to be used as an accelerator. This letter will be underlined: Microsoft <u>W</u>ord<br>To run an accelerated item, just press the ALT key along with the underlined letter. To show the '<b>&</b>' symbol in the name use '<b>&&</b>'.</enableaccel><processwin title="Process WIN key">Displays the first menu on toolbar when you press the WIN key on the keyboard. This option works along with the StartKiller. StartKiller must be configured to disable the Start menu.
You can download StartKiller from:<br>http://www.tordex.com/startkiller/</processwin><recentcount title="Number of programs on Recent menu">Specifies the maximum number of shortcuts inside the <b>Recently accessed menu</b>.</recentcount><saveicons title="Save icons with toolbar">Enables to save icons and images with toolbar by default.</saveicons><showhidden title="Show hidden files">Specifies the processing of the hidden files:
<b>Default:</b><t>Uses the default system settings.
<b>Always:</b><t>Always shows the hidden files.
<b>Never:</b><t>Always hides the hidden files.</showhidden></tlbSettingsGeneral><tlbSettingsToolbar><hidetitle title="Hide toolbar title">Hides the toolbar title. Toolbar title is the the text with the toolbar name. For example: <b>True Launch Bar</b>.</hidetitle><locktoolbar title="Lock Toolbar">Prevents the toolbar from casual undocking. When this option is turned off, you can drag and dock/undock the toolbar to an empty space on the screen. If the toolbar is locked, it can be moved only by holding it at the vertical bar on the left (or top) side of the toolbar.</locktoolbar><minsize title="Toolbar's min size">Specifies the minimum number of buttons that must be visible on the toolbar. Other buttons may be hidden under the <b>>></b> button. If you do not want the <b>>></b> button to appear, set this value to the number of buttons to appear on the toolbar.</minsize><samewidth title="Same width for all buttons with text">Sets the same width for all buttons on toolbar. This option is active only when you select the Show Text for the toolbar.</samewidth><overlay title="Overlay image">Specifies the picture file name to be used as the overlay image. The overlay image will be drawn behind the buttons.</overlay><selectoverlay title="Select overlay file">Click to open the standard Open File dialog box to select a file for the overlay image.</selectoverlay><draw title="Draw overlay image at position">Draws the overlay image as is. The image position is controlled by the Image position options.</draw><stretch title="Stretch overlay image">Stretches the overlay image to cover the entire toolbar area.</stretch><tile title="Tile overlay image">Tiles the overlay image.<br><b>Note:</b> This option may cause poor performance.</tile><center title="Center overlay image">Draws the overlay image in the center of the toolbar.</center><left title="Left (top)">Draws the overlay image at the left side of the toolbar. If the toolbar is vertical, the overlay image will be drawn at the topside of the toolbar.</left><right title="Right (bottom)">Draws the overlay image at the right side of the toolbar. If toolbar is vertical, the overlay image will be drawn at the bottom side of the toolbar.</right><integral title="Sizing step">Specifies the minimum step (in pixels) on which the toolbar size (width for vertical and height for gorizontal toolbar) can be changed. You can set this value into 0 (zero) to allow TLB determine the best step.
Change this value if you can't to make the second row on the taskbar.</integral><alignment title="Default alignment">Specifies the buttons default alignment on toolbar:
<b>Top/Left</b>: Top alignment for horizontal toolbars, Left alignment for vertical toolbars.
<b>Center</b>: Center alignment.
<b>Bottom/Right</b>: Bottom alignment for horizontal toolbars, Right alignment for vertical toolbars.</alignment></tlbSettingsToolbar><tlbSettingsMenu><showcaption title="Show menu caption">Displays the caption at the left side of the menus. The caption displays the name of the menu.</showcaption><fixnoise title="Fix the noise effect">Sometimes you can see a noise effect on menu open during a short time. This option allow you to remove this effect, but there are some flicks appear especially with animated groups.</fixnoise><shownumber title="Show items number">Displays the total number of items in the menu in the caption.</shownumber><largeicons title="Show large icons">Sets the large icons by default for the menus.</largeicons><flatitems title="Flat menu items">Fills the entire item background with highlight color on mouse over. Disables to show 3D box around the icon.</flatitems><arrows title="Show arrow on menu button">Displays the small arrows on the menu buttons. This option is available only for the buttons positioned on the toolbar.</arrows><captionontop title="Caption text to the top">Displays caption text from top to bottom. Turn this option on if the toolbar is positioned at the topside of the screen.</captionontop><cutoff title="Do not cut off caption">If the menu caption is too large, TLB resizes the menu to fit the caption ΓÇô if this option is turned on. When this option is off, the menu caption can be truncated.</cutoff><shadow title="Show shadow">Shows shadow under the menus.<br><b>Note:</b> This option supported only in Windows 2000/XP.</shadow><flatmenu title="Flat menus (XP Style)">By default, all menus have the 3D border. When this option is turned on, the menu becomes flat. Flat menus have thin borders, like menus in Windows XP do.</flatmenu><animategroup title="Animate collapse/expand">Animates the group collapse/expand actions. Group is the items between two separators.</animategroup><hotkeys title="Show menu item hotkey text">Shows the hotkey text label at the right side of menu item.</hotkeys><runonclick title="Run submenu on mouse click">Runs the deafult command for submenu on mouse click.</runonclick><runonenter title="Run submenu on ENTER">Runs the deafult command for submenu when you press the ENTER key on the keyboard.</runonenter><scrolltype title="Scrolling type">TLB allows scrolling the menu content using two different methods:<br><i>Scroller:</i> scrollers are two litle strips on the top and bottom of the toolbar. To scroll a menu, hover the mouse pointer over the scrollers.<br><i>Scrollbar:</i> scrollbar is a Windows standard method to scroll content of the toolbar. Scrollbars are placed at the left side of the menu.</scrolltype><scrollvalue title="Scroll value">The value in pixels for a single scroll step. By changing this value, you can control the scrolling speed. Increasing this value increases the speed. But too high values may cause the scrollbar to be jerky. Also, use the Scroll time to increase the scroll speed.</scrollvalue><scrolltime title="Scroll time">Time in milliseconds between two scroll steps. By changing this value, you can control the scrolling speed. Decreasing this value increases the speed.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</scrolltime><showasfile title="Always show as file">Specifies the list of file types that never expanded into menu. For example by default ZIP and CAB files are shown a menu, if you set this option into "<b>.zip,.cab</b>" then True Launch Bar show these files as menu items not as submenus.
<b>Note:</b> Use comma as delimiter.</showasfile><titlealign title="Titles align">Specifies the default text alignment in the titles.
<b>Title:</b> Separator with text.</titlealign><columns title="Columns">Specifies the default columns in the menus.</columns></tlbSettingsMenu><tlbSettingsMetrics><maxmenuwidth title="Max menu width">Maximum menu width, in pixels. If the text does not fit in this size, it will be truncated.</maxmenuwidth><maxmenuheight title="Max menu height">Maximum menu height, in pixels. Set this value into 0 to let TLB find the maximum height of menus. By default, it is the height of your desktop screen. If a menu does not fit in this size, the scrollbar or scroller will appear.</maxmenuheight><btnmarginx title="Button margins - width">The space in pixels added to the left and right sides of a button.<br><i>Example:</i> If you set this value to 6, then 3 pixels will be added to the left and 3 to the right.</btnmarginx><btnmarginy title="Button margins - height">Space in pixels being added to the bottom and top sides of a button.<br><i>Example:</i> If you set this value to 6, then 3 pixels will be added to the top and 3 to the bottom.<br>Use this setting to make TLB compatible with thin taskbars or to make your taskbar a bit smaller.</btnmarginy><menumarginy title="Button margins - Menu item height">Space in pixels being added to the bottom and top sides of a menu item.<br><i>Example:</i> If you set this value to 6, then 3 pixels will be added to the top and 3 to the bottom.</menumarginy><smallwidth title="Small buttons">Maximum width of small buttons with text. If the button text does not fit in this size, it will be truncated. If all buttons require smaller area to contain the text, this value will be ignored.<br><b>Note:</b> This option is ignored for the toolbar if the option Same width for all buttons with text is turned on.</smallwidth><largewidth title="Large buttons">Maximum width of large buttons with text. If the button text does not fit in this size, it will be truncated. If all buttons require smaller area to contain the text, this value will be ignored.<br><b>Note:</b> This option is ignored for toolbar if the option Same width for all buttons with text is turned on.</largewidth><iconsmenumargin title="Left/Right margin of icon view menu">Specifies the margins from the left and the right sides of the menu. This option is used for the menus with "Icons only" and "Icons with Text" view modes.</iconsmenumargin></tlbSettingsMetrics><tlbSettingsMouse><firstlevel title="Auto popup first level menu">When one menu is open, the second menu opens automatically when you hover the mouse over it. TLB menus works just like any other programΓÇÖs menu. If this option is turned off, you will have to click on the button to open another menu.</firstlevel><firstleveltime title="Auto popup first level menu - time">Time in milliseconds to wait before opening the second menu.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></firstleveltime><onhover title="Popup menu on mouse hover">This option allows opening menus without clicking on them. If this option is turned on, you can hover the mouse pointer over a button, and the menu will open automatically after the specified delay time.</onhover><onhovertime title="Popup menu on mouse hover - time">in milliseconds to wait before opening the menu.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></onhovertime><runonhover title="Run shortcuts on mouse hover">option allows opening shortcuts without clicking on them. If this option is turned on, you can hover the mouse pointer over a button, and the shortcut will be opened after the specified delay time.<br><b>Note:</b> You can temporary disable this feature by holding down the SHIFT key.</runonhover><runonhovertime title="Run shortcuts on mouse hover - time">Time in milliseconds to wait before running shortcuts.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></runonhovertime><autoclose title="Auto close menu on mouse leave">If this option is turned off, the menu will be closed when mouse leaves menu area.<br><b>Note:</b> If the option Use auto-close only for menus is off, the menu will remain open until you move the mouse to another menu on the toolbar.</autoclose><autoclosetime title="Auto close menu on mouse leave - time">in milliseconds to wait before the menu will be closed.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></autoclosetime><autoclosetoolbar title="Use auto-close only for menus">If this option is off, the menu remains open until you move the mouse to another menu on the toolbar.</autoclosetoolbar><autopopupsubmenu title="Popup submenu on mouse hover">Opens submenu on mouse hover.</autopopupsubmenu><customsubmenudelay title="Custom submenu delay">Sets the custom submenu open delay time.</customsubmenudelay><submenudelaytime title="Submenu delay time">Specifies the time before opening submenu on mouse hover.
<b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></submenudelaytime><closeonbutton title="Close menu if mouse over other toolbar button">Closes the menu when you move mouse off the menu button to any other button on toolbar.</closeonbutton></tlbSettingsMouse><tlbSettingsContextMenu><button title="Context menu template for buttons">Select the context menu template for the toolbar buttons and menus.</button><virtualfolder title="Context menu template for virtual folders">Select the context menu template for the virtual folder buttons.</virtualfolder><plugin title="Context menu template for plugins">Select the context menu template for plugin buttons.</plugin><empty title="Context menu template for empty space">Select the context menu template for empty space on menus. To open this menu, right-click the menu caption or empty space under the button ΓÇô if the option Do not cut off caption is turned on.</empty><showicons title="Show icons in the context menu">Show/hide icons on the left side of menu items. Turn off this option to increase performance and optimize memory usage.</showicons><fullmenu title="Show full shell menu">If this option is turned on, TLB will show the complete shell menu for the buttons. The complete menu contains common options like Delete, Cut, Copy, etc. This option is ignored if the context menu template does not contain the shell menu. For virtual folders, TLB always shows the complete shell menu.</fullmenu></tlbSettingsContextMenu><tlbSettingsTips><rect title="Rectangular">Show tips as simple rectangle.</rect><round title="Rectangular with rounded corners">Show tips as rectangle with rounded corners.</round><ballon title="Balloon">Show tips in the modern balloon style.</ballon><none title="Disable tips">This option disables tips completely.</none><opentime title="Show tip">Time in milliseconds to wait before showing tips.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></opentime><closetime title="Close tip">Time in milliseconds to wait before closing tips.<br><b>1000 ms = 1 sec.</b></closetime><showinmenu title="Show tips in menu">If this option is turned on, tips will appear only for the toolbar items.</showinmenu><showicon title="Show icon on tips">Enable/Disable icons on tool tips. Turn off this option to free some memory.</showicon><showlasttime title="Show last run time in tooltips">Show the time when the shortcut was run the last time. This option can be used to track time of programs performance.</showlasttime><maxwidth title="Max tips width">Maximum width of tips. If certain tipsΓÇÖ text does not fit in this size, the text will be wrapped.</maxwidth><showruncount title="Show runs count in the tips">Shows the total runs count in the tips.</showruncount></tlbSettingsTips><tlbSettingsIconSizes><smallsize title="Small">Size of small icons.</smallsize><largesize title="Large">Size of large icons.</largesize><list title="Additional Icon Sizes">The list of all additional icon sizes. Select any size from list and press the Delete button to remove the size from the list.</list><newsize title="New size">Add a new Icon Size.</newsize><delsize title="Delete size">Delete the selected Icon Size.</delsize></tlbSettingsIconSizes><tlbSettingsHotKeys><list title="Hot keys used by True Launch Bar">list of all hotkeys registered with True Launch Bar. Select any number of items and right click on them to access the context menu:<br><b>Menu item</b><t><b>Action</b><br>Edit<t>Change hotkey<br>Clear Hot Key<t>Remove hotkey from item<br>Show menu<t>Open menu where the button is.</list></tlbSettingsHotKeys><tlbSettings><ok title="OK">Apply changes and close the dialog box.</ok><cancel title="Cancel">Close the dialog box without changing the settings.</cancel><apply title="Apply">Apply changes. The dialog box stays open.</apply></tlbSettings><tlbSettingsSkins><skin title="Skin Name">Select the skin from the list to apply to True Launch Bar.</skin><author title="Author">Author of the selected skin. You can visit the author's web site or send an email.</author><applytomenu title="Apply skin to menu">Apply skin to the menus. If this option is turned off, the menu will be drawn using the default style.</applytomenu><applytotoolbar title="Apply skin to toolbar">Apply skin to the toolbar. If this option is turned off, the buttons on the toolbar will be drawn using the default style.</applytotoolbar><skinslib title="Skins library">Click this link to open the Skins Library, where you can download new skins for True Launch Bar.</skinslib><install title="Install skins">Click this button to install the downloaded skins from the ZIP files. Using this feature, you can install new skins for TLB and plug-ins.</install></tlbSettingsSkins><tlbSettingsAutosensing><workspace title="Workspace">Select another workspace from the list.</workspace><addws title="Add workspace">Creates a new workspace.</addws><delws title="Delete workspace">Deletes the selected workspace.</delws><editws title="Edit workspace">Edits the selected workspace.</editws><wrkprogs title="Working programs">The list of programs included in the selected workspace.</wrkprogs><addprog title="Add program">Adds a program to the selected workspace.</addprog><editprog title="Edit program">Edit the selected program.</editprog><delprog title="Delete program">Delete the selected program.</delprog><commonprogs title="Common programs">Common programs ΓÇô the programs that do not cause switching of workspaces. Here you may have such programs as: Calc, Notepad, etc. ΓÇô These are the programs that can be used within any workspace.</commonprogs><addcommon title="Add common program">Adds a new common program to the list.</addcommon><editcommon title="Edit common program">Edits the selected common program.</editcommon><deletecommon title="Delete common program">Deletes the selected common program.</deletecommon></tlbSettingsAutosensing><tlbSettingsToolbars><toolbars title="Toolbars">The list of available toolbars.</toolbars><newtoolbar title="New">Creates a new toolbar.</newtoolbar><deltoolbar title="Delete">Deletes the selected toolbar.</deltoolbar><activate title="Activate">Switches to the selected toolbar.</activate><name title="Name">Name of the toolbar. This name appears as the toolbar title and also displays in the Toolbars menu of taskbar context menu.</name><path title="Path">Path to the toolbar folder where True Launch Bar stores all shortcuts, menus and other settings.</path><selectpath title="Select path">Click to open the standard Select Folder dialog box.</selectpath></tlbSettingsToolbars><customizeMenuGeneral><viewmode title="View mode">Select the view mode for the menu. It can be one of the following:<br><b>Text menu</b> ΓÇô simple menu with text captions and icons. If the menu does not fit on the screen it can be shown in several columns;<br><b>Icons only</b> ΓÇô show icons without text captions;<br><b>Icons with text</b> ΓÇô show icons with text captions, but the buttons appear as ones on the toolbar ΓÇô for the large button, the text is printed under the icon;<br><b>Multicolumn text menu</b> ΓÇô similar to the Text menu, but is always split into columns.</viewmode><columns title="Columns">Number of columns in the menu.</columns><iconsizelst title="Icon Size">The size and style of the menu icons:<br><b>default</b> ΓÇô the default size of icons, it can be large or small depending on the options.<br><b>Small Icons</b> ΓÇô shows small icons. The size of small icons is defined in the TLB Settings dialog box on the Icon Sizes tab.<br><b>Large Icons</b> ΓÇô shows large icons. The size of large icons is defined in the TLB Settings dialog box on the Icon Sizes tab.<br><b>Thumbnails</b> ΓÇô shows small previews instead of icons.<br><b>Custom</b> ΓÇô custom icon size.<br><b>No Icons</b> ΓÇô does not show icons on the menu.</iconsizelst><iconsize title="Icon Size">Icon sizes for the Custom, Thumbnails and No Icons styles.<br><b>Note:</b> The size for the No Icons style affects the height of the menu items.</iconsize><arrange title="Auto Arrange">Select the type of auto arrange.</arrange><descending title="Descending">Arrange file in the descending order.</descending><maxmenuwidth title="Maximum Menu Width">This option overwrite the default menu width from <b>TLB Settings->Metrics</b></maxmenuwidth><maxmenuheight title="Maximum Menu Height">This option overwrite the default menu height from <b>TLB Settings->Metrics</b></maxmenuheight><showcaption title="Show menu caption">If turned on, every menu will have caption on the left side of it. The caption displays the name of the menu.</showcaption><sortfolders title="Arrange folders like files">Arranges folders like files.</sortfolders><disabletips title="Disable tips">Disables the tips for menu items.</disabletips><dockpoint title="Docking point">Specifies the menu docking point.</dockpoint><menualign title="Menu align">Specifies the menu alignment relative to the docking point.</menualign></customizeMenuGeneral><customizeMenuOverlay><filename title="Image file">Enter the image file name or select a saved image from the drop-down list.<br><b>Note:</b> True Launch Bar supports only the PNG format images. Also, you must know that using the overlay images takes more memory and may cause poor performance.</filename><selectfile title="Select File">Click to open the standard Open File dialog box to select the file for the overlay image.</selectfile><savewithtoolbar title="Save image with toolbar">True Launch Bar can store images with the toolbar (in the toolbar folder). This will help backing up the images with all other settings.</savewithtoolbar><transparency title="Transparency">Move the slider to adjust the overlay image transparency level.</transparency><percent title="Transparency">The percent of transparency: 100%<t>opaque 0%<t>transparent.</percent><halign title="Horizontal alignment">The overlay image horizontal alignment.</halign><valign title="Vertical alignment">The overlay image vertical alignment.</valign><hstretch title="Horizontal stretch">If this option is on, the image will be stretched horizontally.</hstretch><vstretch title="Vertical stretch">If this option is on, the image will be stretched vertically.</vstretch><keepar title="Contrain Proportions">If this option is on, the overlay image proportions will be preserved if one of the stretch options is used.</keepar></customizeMenuOverlay><customizeMenuFilter><permanent title="Apply filter to all new files/folders">Use this option to create a permanent filter. If option is turned off, TLB will only hide certain files, and you can show them using the Show hidden item from context menu.</permanent><maskshow title="Files mask to show files">Mask for the files to be shown. Use the * and ? masks. You can enter multiple masks separated with semicolon..</maskshow><maskhide title="Files mask to hide files">Mask for the files to be hidden. Use the * and ? masks. You can enter multiple masks separated with semicolon.</maskhide><moddays title="Files modified during last">Show files modified within the last number of days.</moddays><createdays title="Files created during last">Show file created within the last number of days.</createdays><showfolder title="Folders processing">Select the folder processing mode:<br><b>Apply mask to folders</b> ΓÇô treat folders as files and apply filters with masks.<br><b>Show folders</b> ΓÇô always show the folders.<br><b>Hide folders</b> ΓÇô always hide the folders.</showfolder></customizeMenuFilter><customizeMenu><this title="Apply to THIS folder">Apply folder settings for the current folder.</this><child title="Apply to CHILD folders">Apply folder settings for all child folders of the current folder.</child><ok title="OK">Apply settings and close this dialog box.</ok><cancel title="Cancel">Close this dialog box.</cancel></customizeMenu><tlbSettingsColors><button title="Button Colors">Specifies the button background color. You can to specify two colors to define the gradient background. These colors are used only when mouse cursor over the button.</button><buttongradiendvert title="Vertical Gradient">Displays the vertical gradient for toolbar button.</buttongradiendvert><tbtext title="Text Color">Specifies the text color for toolbar button. This color is used for menu button arrows also.</tbtext><tbhighlighttext title="Highlight Text Color">Specifies the text color for toolbar button when mouse cursor is over the button. This color is used for menu button arrows also.</tbhighlighttext><buttonborder title="Button Border Color">Specifies the border color for toolbar button when mouse cursor is over the button.</buttonborder><menubg title="Menu Background Color">Specifies the menu background color.</menubg><menuborder title="Menu Border Color">Specifies the menu border color</menuborder><menutext title="Menu Text Color">Specifies the menu text color</menutext><menucaptiontext title="Caption Text Color">Specifies the caption text color</menucaptiontext><titletext title="Title Text Color">Specifies the titles text color</titletext><menuseparator1 title="Separator colors">Specifies the color of the first separator line.</menuseparator1><menuseparator2 title="Separator colors">Specifies the color of the second separator line.</menuseparator2><menuhighlight1 title="Menu Highlight gradient">Specifies the first menu highlight color.</menuhighlight1><menuhighlight2 title="Menu Highlight gradient">Specifies the second menu highlight color.</menuhighlight2><menuhighlightvertical title="Highlight vertical gradient">Displays the vertical gradient for menu highlight.</menuhighlightvertical><menuhighlighttext title="Menu Highlight Text Color">Specifies the menu highlight text color.</menuhighlighttext><menucaptionbg1 title="Caption Gradient">Specifies the first caption background color.</menucaptionbg1><menucaptionbg2 title="Caption Gradient">Specifies the second caption background color.</menucaptionbg2><menucaptionvertical title="Caption vertical gradient">Displays the caption with the vertical gradient.</menucaptionvertical><toolbar1 title="Toolbar Background gradient">Specifies the first toolbar background color.</toolbar1><toolbar2 title="Toolbar Background gradient">Specifies the second toolbar background color.</toolbar2><toolbarvertical title="Vertiacal Gradient">Displays the toolbar background with the vertical gradient.</toolbarvertical><toolbarseparator1 title="Separator colors">Specifies the color of the first separator line.</toolbarseparator1><toolbarseparator2 title="Separator colors">Specifies the color of the second separator line.</toolbarseparator2></tlbSettingsColors><tlbSettingsFonts><mifont title="Menu item font">Specifies the menu items font name.</mifont><mifontsize title="Menu item font size">Specifies the menu items font size.</mifontsize><mibold title="Menu item font bold">Displays the menu items <b>bold</b>.</mibold><miitalic title="Menu item font italic">Displays the menu items <i>italic</i>.</miitalic><capfont title="Menu caption font">Specifies the menu caption font name.</capfont><capfontsize title="Menu caption font size">Specifies the menu caption font size.</capfontsize><capbold title="Menu caption font bold">Displays the menu caption <b>bold</b>.</capbold><capitalic title="Menu caption font italic">Displays the menu caption <i>italic</i>.</capitalic><titfont title="Titles font">Specifies the titles text font name.</titfont><titfontsize title="Titles font size">Specifies the title text font size.</titfontsize><titbold title="Titles font bold">Displays the title text <b>bold</b>.</titbold><tititalic title="Titles font italic">Displays the title text <i>italic</i>.</tititalic></tlbSettingsFonts><tlbSettingsTransparency><menutransparent title="Menu transparency">Turn on/off the menu transparency.<br><b>Note:</b> This feature is supported only in Windows 2000/XP.</menutransparent><menuslider title="Menu transparency">Move this slider to change the transparency level: left side - menus are not transparent, right side ΓÇô menus are transparent.</menuslider><toolbartransparent title="Toolbar transparency">Turn on/off the toolbar transparency. In some operating systems this feature may perform incorrectly.<br><b>Note:</b> This feature is supported only in Windows 2000/XP.</toolbartransparent><toolbarslider title="Toolbar transparency">Move this slider to change the transparency level: left side - toolbar is not transparent, right side ΓÇô toolbar is transparent.</toolbarslider><tipstransparent title="Use transparency">Turn on/off transparency of the tool tips.<br><b>Note:</b> This feature is supported only in Windows 2000/XP.</tipstransparent><tipsslider title="Transparency">Move this slider to adjust the transparency level. The left position - tips are not transparent. The right position ΓÇô tips are transparent.</tipsslider></tlbSettingsTransparency><tlbSettingsSysInfo><genreport title="Generate Bug Report">Click to generate email with system information to the True Launch Bar support.</genreport><plugins title="Installed True Launch Bar plugins">List of all installed pligins.</plugins></tlbSettingsSysInfo><tlbSettingsLic><enterkey title="Enter Key">Opens the dialog box where you can enter your registration key.</enterkey><buynow title="Buy Now!">Opens the web page where you can order True Launch Bar online.</buynow></tlbSettingsLic><protectButton><oldpassword title="Old Password">Enter the previous password. If the button was not protected then leave this field empty.</oldpassword><newpassword1 title="New password">Enter the new password. True Launch Bar asks this password if you try to make one of the actions listed below.</newpassword1><newpassword2 title="Confirm new password">Confirm the new password. You must to enter the same password into poth fields.</newpassword2><execute title="Protection: Execute">Asks the password when you try to run the shortcut.</execute><hide title="Protection: Hide/Unhide">Asks the password when you try to hide or unhide the button.</hide><del title="Protection: Delete, Rename">Asks the password when you try to delete or rename the button.</del><icon title="Protection: Icon, Description, Properties">Asks the password when you try to change the icon, description or button properties.</icon></protectButton></tlbhelp>